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Jenny Leccardi. The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (Wakefield Cathedral).( September 2019 )

Jenny Leccardi Contact here

Total failure  ( September 2019 to March 2020 )

  • Initial Failures
  • The woman declared this to be a "Safeguarding issue".
  • Jenny Leccardi declared this NOT to be a "Safeguarding issue".
  • Total IMPUNITY. The Bishop's Guidance does not allow Jenny Leccardi to make that decision.

  • Failed to gather independent information.
  • Failed to verify the woman’s story.
  • Failed to be aware of the woman’s previous behaviour.
  • Failed to be aware of the woman’s health conditions.
  • Failed to communicate with the accused.
  • Advice failures
  • Failed to ensure The Archdeacon of Pontefract had true information.
  • Failed to pass on vital information
  • Allowed Peter Townley to make a libelous statement
  • The stress and defamation she started still continues.
  • The Police say:-
  • Safeguarding can not take anyone at their word no matter how much they trust you.
    In law they would be criticized for taking you at your word should something go awry at a later date.
  • Yet the attacker is believed by Jenny Leccardi.

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors Regulations 2016

The final failure

  • Failure to resign
  • Totally disfunctional.
  • Continues to bring disrepute upon The Leeds Diocese

My recommendations to anyone faced with this situation.

  • Jump on this quickly.
  • Using "Safeguarding" as a weapon
  • The Clergy are easily hoodwinked.
  • Make sure you get the seeds of doubt sown very early.
  • Sadly, this is never ending
  • Over 3 years on
  • The victimisation continues
  • Always a victim
  • Never a survivor
  • The Leaders of The CofE continue to perpetrate abuse
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The Reverend Canon Leah Vasey-Saunders enacts the Safeguarding failure.

The The Reverend Mark Watkins brings about the Safeguarding failure.

The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield at Wakefield Cathedral, leads the Safeguarding failure.

The Venerable Peter Townley, Archdeacon of Pontefract, executes the Safeguarding failure.

Leeds Diocese Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

Wakefield Cathedral Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

All Saints Pontefract Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

Church of England Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

This page is incomplete, under development. It will be worked on during 2022.

‘Safeguarding’ is of paramount importance to us.
Not only of young people and vulnerable adults but also of all users of the building.
If you have any concerns, they will be taken seriously, and dealt with swiftly, sensitively and in confidence.

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Last Updated 12th June 2024