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The Fact Check Page
The Reference Section detailing the origin of the facts.

Here you will find all the documents that support my reports

Fact Description
Document Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse.

The Anglican Church. Safeguarding in the Church of England and the Church in Wales. Investigation Report. October 2020.


as amended by the Clergy Discipline (Amendment) Measure 2013

and the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016.

Document Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors Regulations 2016
Document Church of England. Glossary Reference Guide.

House of Bishops.Published: October 2017

Document Church of England. Key Roles and Responsibilities of Church Office Holders and Bodies Practice Guidance.

House of Bishops. Published October 2017.

Document Practice Guidance: Responding to, assessing and managing safeguarding concerns or allegations against church officers.

Published October 2017

Document Church of England House of Bishops.

parish safeguarding handbook.

Promoting a Safer Church.

Document Protocol and Practice Guidance. Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2). July 2019
Document Church of England. Practice Guidance: Responding to, assessing and managing safeguarding concerns or allegations against church officers.

House of Bishops. V1 November 2018.

Document Pick-Pick. The woman's notes.
Document Annotated Pick-Pick. Exposing the untruths.
Document Email From #DC to #DCJ 4th September 2019
Document Letter from West Yorkshire Police to #DCJ . 19th November 2019
Document Email from #PT to #DCJ 8th February 2020
Document Email from #SC to #DCJ 2nd November 2019
Document Email from #SC to #DCJ 4th April 2021
Document Email from #SC to #DCJ 25th January 2022
Individual The Reverend Canon Leah Vasey-Saunders.

Canon Precentor at Wakefield Cathedral. (In post April 2019)

Vicar of Lancaster, Lancaster Priory (September 2021)

Individual The Reverend Mark Watkins.

Associate Priest at All Saints Pontefract. (In post April 2019)

also known as The Reverend Charles Watkins.

Individual The Very Reverend Simon Cowling.

Dean of Wakefield at Wakefield Cathedral. (In post April 2019)

Individual The Venerable Peter Townley.

Archdeacon of Pontefract. (In post April 2019)

Individual Jenny Leccardi. The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (Wakefield Cathedral). (In post April 2019 )
Individual The divorced, unpartnered, quinquagenarian woman making the allegations. Born 1967

Name redacted.

Individual Derek C Johnstone. The attacked and abused. Born 1948, married 1971, Church Officer as Tower Captain 1986-2009 and 2012-present.
Event The woman #DC arranged a private meeting with #LV between the 2nd and 5th September 2019.

The woman presented over 700 words of safeguarding issues.

Event The woman #DC arranged a private meeting with #MW between the 2nd and 5th September 2019.

The woman presented over 700 words of safeguarding issues.

Event Thursday 5th September 2019.

The woman reports to The Police.

Incident Log 1167

Event Thursday 12th September 2019. 3pm

The woman goes to a formal interview at Normanton Police Station.

The woman presented over 700 words of safeguarding issues.

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The Reverend Canon Leah Vasey-Saunders enacts the Safeguarding failure.

The The Reverend Mark Watkins brings about the Safeguarding failure.

The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield at Wakefield Cathedral, leads the Safeguarding failure.

The Venerable Peter Townley, Archdeacon of Pontefract, executes the Safeguarding failure.

Leeds Diocese Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

Wakefield Cathedral Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

All Saints Pontefract Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

Church of England Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

This page is incomplete, under development. It will be worked on during 2023.

‘Safeguarding’ is of paramount importance to us.
Not only of young people and vulnerable adults but also of all users of the building.
If you have any concerns, they will be taken seriously, and dealt with swiftly, sensitively and in confidence.

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Last Updated 12th June 2024