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A Safeguarding Scenario. A Training Example.

Using Safeguarding as a weapon.

Here is a Scenario that you could use in a Safeguarding Training event

This is the document that she uses as a base to her presentations

Please, read her original notes,
that she used in the presentation to The Clergy and Police.
Read more......Read the actual PickPick document

This is the document came to me in January 2021
The Leeds Diocese has never made this information available to me.

  •  Stalking
  •  Harassment
  •  Bullying
  •  Intimidation

Now the annotations, commentary and mitigations

Expose the drama
Read more......Read the PickPick Plus document

  • I expose the Drama
  • Expose the untruths
  • Expose the sympathy seeking.
  • Expose the delusions.
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The Reverend Canon Leah Vasey-Saunders enacts the Safeguarding failure.

The The Reverend Mark Watkins brings about the Safeguarding failure.

The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield at Wakefield Cathedral, leads the Safeguarding failure.

The Venerable Peter Townley, Archdeacon of Pontefract, executes the Safeguarding failure.

Leeds Diocese Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

Wakefield Cathedral Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

All Saints Pontefract Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

Church of England Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

This page is incomplete, under development. It will be worked on during 2022.

‘Safeguarding’ is of paramount importance to us.
Not only of young people and vulnerable adults but also of all users of the building.
If you have any concerns, they will be taken seriously, and dealt with swiftly, sensitively and in confidence.

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Material Copyright © 2021 Derek C Johnstone


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Last Updated 12th June 2024