This is the document that she uses as a base to her presentations Please, read both documents. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Firstly, read her original notes, that she used in the presentation to The Clergy
and Police. these expose the drama This is the document that came to me in January 2021 |
The Reverend Canon Leah Vasey-Saunders enacts the Safeguarding failure.
The The Reverend Mark Watkins brings about the Safeguarding failure.
The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield at Wakefield Cathedral, leads the Safeguarding failure.
The Venerable Peter Townley, Archdeacon of Pontefract, executes the Safeguarding failure.
Leeds Diocese Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.
Wakefield Cathedral Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.
All Saints Pontefract Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.
Church of England Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.
‘Safeguarding’ is of paramount importance to us.
We have tried to keep this site very simple, to reduce loading times Last Updated 12th June 2024 |