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Tower Captaincy.

This page is incomplete, under development. It will be worked on during 2020.

Tower Captaincy.


A task with many facets


One of the consequences of no "Governance" is a leadership vacuum.
Hence a power struggle.
As leadership depends on consent then the potential leader has to use subtle methods to achieve status

Be there every time

Be visible at every meeting,
have something to say.
Try to find and exploit faults in the current leader.

Use "Safeguarding" as a weapon.

Always have the last word, you are always right.


As an analogy; While in a foreign country, talk in English. If they don't understand try again, slower, then again louder, then again shouting.

This is often the attitude of leaders of ringing.

Shout ! Shout !! Shout !!!

However the leader does not seem to realise that the recipient hears perfectly well, but does not understand what is being said.

Show disapproval

Make comments about the standard of ringing

Well placed "tutting", there is great skill in "tutting", subtlety using it just in the right place to highlight others failings.

Always find some fault, no matter how small, in your adversary's ringing.

Item 4


Item 5


Who are we? This document maintained in the UK by
Material Copyright © 2001 Derek C Johnstone

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Last Updated 26th May 2021