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The Bishop's Guidance.

They disregard the Bishop's Guidance.

"A “church officer”
is anyone appointed/elected by or on behalf of the Church to a post or role,
whether they are ordained or lay, paid or unpaid."

"on behalf of".      Is the critical, important phrase

The Legislation, as passed into Law by Parliament
Published by The House of Bishops, October 2017

  • It is clear and easy to understand.
  • Allegations must be investigated.
  • A Core Group must be convened.
  • Communications with the accused are clearly stated.
  • The Leeds Diocese decide
  • "Tower Captains do not by default constitute Church Officers for safeguarding purposes".
  • This is clearly WRONG !!!
  • I have been a "Tower Captain, on behalf of The Church for over 30 years.
  • Other Dioceses take the opposite view.
    Tower Captains ARE Church Officers.
  • This safeguarding matter do not meet the threshold of being treated as a safeguarding matter.
    No "Thresholds" are mentioned in The Bishop's Guidance.
  • The Leeds Diocese are clearly WRONG !!
  • I have to suffered their incompetence

My recommendations to anyone faced with this situation.

  • Jump on this quickly.
  • Using "Safeguarding" as a weapon
  • The Clergy are easily hoodwinked.
  • Make sure you get the seeds of doubt sown very early.
  • Sadly, this is never ending
  • Over 3 years on
  • The victimisation continues
  • Always a victim
  • Never a survivor
  • The Leaders of The CofE continue to perpetrate abuse
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The Reverend Canon Leah Vasey-Saunders enacts the Safeguarding failure.

The The Reverend Mark Watkins brings about the Safeguarding failure.

The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield at Wakefield Cathedral, leads the Safeguarding failure.

The Venerable Peter Townley, Archdeacon of Pontefract, executes the Safeguarding failure.

Leeds Diocese Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

Wakefield Cathedral Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

All Saints Pontefract Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

Church of England Safeguarding: A Safeguarding Failure.

This page is incomplete, under development. It will be worked on during 2022.

‘Safeguarding’ is of paramount importance to us.
Not only of young people and vulnerable adults but also of all users of the building.
If you have any concerns, they will be taken seriously, and dealt with swiftly, sensitively and in confidence.

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Material Copyright © 2021 Derek C Johnstone


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Last Updated 12th June 2024