Profile  :   Danni Cayton = De-Andre Cayton also Dandi Senior

Profile : Danni Cayton = De-Andre Cayton also Dandi Senior

Danni Cayton Porky Pie

In this area we give you a biopic of the person
We try to show highlights of their life and achievements
Also we try to paint a picture of the person.


The Church of England officially recognises this person as a "Vulnerable Adult".
Full Safeguarding MUST take place on all CofE activities.

Early Years

Born Bradford, 28th January 1967
Father, Alan Littlewood, (1943 - 2015)
Mother, Sandra Garnham (1943 - 2017)
Foster carer, Private

Many Names

First Names, Birth name = De-Andre
Other names = Dandi, Danni, Vicky, Lady or any of 4 other names
Surnames 5 possibles,
Cayton, Littlewood, Bone, Garnham or Senior
Coppice, Foster name
Father, Alan Littlewood, (1943 - 2015)
Mother, Sandra Garnham (1943 - 2017)
Foster carer, Private

Common names
Dandi Senior
Dandi Littlewood


What has been learnt


Ringing Achievements


Closure of ringing at All Saints Pontefract
Breakup of many friends groups around Wakefield


Likes a good drama

It's not that she deliberately tells lies, just it seems hard to believe most of the stories

Lack of fidelity to the truth.


Quoting DC (in July 2019)
"I am seriously considering giving up ringing. Humans are not a very nice species and i would rather spend time with the dogs, who are non-judgemental, don't criticise me for progress or mistakes. They comfort me when I'm in pain or feeling ill or sad. They don't kick me when I'm down. My experience of bellringing in the last 2 and a half years has been a very bad experience."


Not welcome at most towers around Wakefield and Doncaster
Peal ringing the only option.

‘Safeguarding’ is of paramount importance to us.
Not only of young people and vulnerable adults but also of all users of the building.
If you have any concerns, they will be taken seriously, and dealt with swiftly, sensitively and in confidence.

Who are we? This document maintained in the UK by
Material Copyright © 2021 Derek C Johnstone


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Last Updated 12th March 2024